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Book Signings


A-Razz-Matazzy-Jazzy Little Christmas
Wednesday, December 12, 2018 5:30-8:00 pm
at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts in the museum's meeting room.

 The historical novel Saving the Oldest Town in Texas by Linda Thorsen Bond is based on Col. Benjamin Wettermark, who emptied his own bank and skipped town in 1903, leaving his wife, his children and his Nacogdoches mansion behind. The search for the former East Texas mayor made headlines in every newspaper in the United States, as he broke the economy of the Oldest Town in Texas and the hearts of his family.

 San Angelo resident, Dr. Bond combines Wettermark's history with a modern day tale of restoring a deteriorating mansion. Bond recently won two 2018 national Telly awards for a television production of her work, and has written and produced 20 historic plays. She writes for magazines, newspapers and television. She taught in the Mass Comunication Department of Stephen F. Austin State University since 2002.

The book is published by Texas A&M Press and Stephen F. Austin State University Press and was recently featured in the Houston Chronicle. Bond will sign books at this event and they will be available for purchase.

There will be refreshments, music by Del Vasquez, Grady Harlow and other musicians and beautiful handmade jewelry created by Vicki Harden and Polina Bradham for sale. Free gift wrapping will be provided if needed.
All of the galleries will be open and this event is FREE to attend for you and your guests. For questions, please call Deziray Little at 325-653-3333
